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National Wildlife Control

Operators Association

Call Us: 1-855-466-9262

Advanced Wildlife Control Operator

The NWCOA Certified Advanced Wildlife Control Operator Training Course has been newly revamped and is offered by NWCOA to train established WCOs that perform wildlife management services in or on residential and commercial properties. This is a two-day, in-depth course that looks at topics central to professional operations for wildlife control operators.  It is structured as a practical, case study in a live virtual classroom style training course.

Technical course topics include:

  • advanced structural inspection and exclusion
  • advanced removal techniques and tools
  • advanced safety
  • advanced traps and equipment
  • sales and customer interactions
  • moles, ground squirrels, and gophers
  • woodchuck, marmots, armadillos, and porcupines
  • beaver, nutria, and muskrat control
  • animal behavior
  • commensal rodents
  • venomous and non venomous snakes and reptiles 

Upon successful completion of this course and a test, the WCO will receive a certificate of completion, use of the logo and become a Certified Advanced Wildlife Control Operator.  Participants must hold a current NWCOA Certified Wildlife Operator Certification prior to attending the Advanced Wildlife Control Operator class.  

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    1250 W. Ohio Pike #203

    Amelia, OH 45102

    Call Us: 1-855-466-9262

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