The purpose of the NWCOA Committees is to direct the NWCOA Governing Board and Executive Staff on current and future issues relevant to the wildlife damage management industry. These committees are led by NWCOA members and board members.
Advocacy Committee Committee Co-Chairs - Chris Lunn and Dixon Herman The Advocacy Committee is responsible for informing and advising the Board and staff on federal and state legislative efforts. Tasks assigned to the Advocacy Committee include:
CollaborationCommunications Committee Committee Chair - Charles Parker The NWCOA Communications Committee will be responsible for event-specific media initiatives, as well as on-going activities designed to increase awareness and interest in NWCOA. The committee will partner closely with NWCOA’s Executive Staff to ensure that our membership is adequately supported, and that work meets the mission of the organization. Tasks of this committee include:
Membership Committee Committee Chair - Gerrod Walker The Membership Committee is responsible for membership recruitment and retention programs. To effectively execute this function the committee shall:
Association StrengthStrategic Partners Committee Committee Chair - To be assigned The Strategic Partners Committee is responsible for informing and advising the Board and staff on strategic partnership opportunities with national organizations, state and federal agencies with shared values and alignment. This committee develops and supports strategic relationships that are beneficial to NWCOA, its members and stakeholders.
Vendor Relations Committee
Committee Chair - Chris O'Banion The Vendor Relations Committee is responsible for acting as liaison between NWCOA and our vendor members, and potential vendor members. The responsibilities of this committee include:
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